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Equatorial Guinea - Moving towards a democratic future

Equatorial Guinea - Moving towards a democratic future

The political and socioeconomic situation in Equatorial Guinea was absent from the European political debate for over two decades, until Renew Europe led on a resolution (2023/2552) that was adopted with a support of 95% of the MEPs in February 2023. This Renew Europe Seminar, the second in less than 12 months, shows Renew’s firm commitment to the country. It will provide an opportunity for NEXOS, a new political platform uniting several opposition parties and leading civil society figures committed to the democratisation of the country to present their project. The event will also allow for a stocktaking exercise and a deepening of the debate on the socio-political situation in Equatorial Guinea.


16:30-16:40: Introductory remarks by Jordi Cañas MEP

16:40-17:30: First panel - NEXOS: moving towards a democratic future

  • Presentation and proposals of NEXOS-GE
    Juan Carlos Ondo Angue, Chair of NEXOS

  • Following up and implementing Resolution 2023/2552 of 16 February 2023
    Donato Ndongo Biyogho

  • NEXOS’s role in the democratisation of Equatorial Guinea
    Justo Bolekia Boleka

  • Role of civil society and the international community in fostering democracy in Africa

  • Valeria Sinisi, Program Manager at Friedrich Naumann Foundation

17:30-17:40: Q&A

17:40-17:45: Remarks by Jordi Cañas MEP

17:45- 18:15: Second panel - The socio-political situation in Equatorial Guinea

  • Weja Chicampo Puye, Vicechair of NEXOS

  • Fausta Nse Ondo Mbasogo

  • Adébayo Oumar Salou

18:15-18:25: Q&A

18:25-18:30: Closing remarks by Jordi Cañas MEP

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